Daheen Lee all white cheat sheet

ObjectIdentifier protocol : object identity 비교하기


A unique identifier for a class instance or metatype.

객체의 Identity 가 같은지/다른지 판단해주는 struct

struct ObjectIdentifier


  • 사용되는 곳

    Example. Equatable protocol

    protocol Equatable {
      @inlinable // trivial-implementation
      public func === (lhs: AnyObject?, rhs: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case let (l?, r?):
          return ObjectIdentifier(l) == ObjectIdentifier(r)
        case (nil, nil):
          return true
          return false


  • Swift 에서는 class instancemeta type 만 unique identity를 가진다

  • struct, enum, function, tuple 에는 identity 란 개념이 없다

  • :mag: eqaulity vs. Identity


  • Identity Operator

    func === (lhs: AnyObject?, rhs: AnyObject?) -> Bool

    Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two references point to the same object instance.

    reference 가 같은 instance 를 가리키는지 판단

